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Pathway through Arthritis was developed by Wellmind Health and Versus Arthritis to empower people living with arthritis with the skills and knowledge to better self-manage the condition, so it's no longer in control and move forward with an improved quality of life.

The objective of the program is for participants to improve their health questionnaire scores for Anxiety (GAD-7), Depression (PHQ-9) and Musculoskeletal Health (MSK-HQ). This is achieved through the practice of pain self-management methods, lifestyle changes, meditation and cognitive approaches learnt throughout the program. 

Clinical-grade digital therapeutic
 Simple to setup & maintain
Secure Management Portal
Reach housebound patients
Reduce treatment waiting lists
Health professional support

The digital program is a standalone intervention or works in conjunction with existing treatments to help reduce the need for pain medication and face-to-face appointments.

A class 1 medical device that complies with regulatory standards for clinical safety, data protection, technical security, interoperability, usability and accessibility.

Pathway Through Arthritis
"A must for anyone living in pain with these conditions. Very engaging. Great tips to support my self-management."

Program Participant

Pathway Through Arthritis
"Enjoyed the whole thing, the short videos were clear and to the point, I especially liked the relaxation sessions."

Program Participant

Pathway Through Arthritis
"It has given me the tools I need to live life to the full despite having this debilitating condition."

Program Participant

Key Features

Accessible Program

Web-based and on-demand, easy for participants to follow and access from mobile, tablet or desktop, with no time limits or restrictions

Trusted Treatment

Participants develop skills to self-manage arthritis, taking back control and reducing its daily impact for an improved quality of life

Lasting Benefits

Preliminary clinical trials show effectiveness and participants report lasting health benefits and high satisfaction ratings

Regulatory Compliant

A class 1 medical device that complies with the Digital Technology Assessment Criteria (DTAC) for deployment in healthcare

Management Portal

A secure web-based portal for the management of digital treatments with professional support and non-clinical helpline

Outcome Reporting

On-demand participant engagement, progress, feedback and health outcome reporting through the Management Portal
PTA logo circle

Pathway through Arthritis


Become a provider

We supply all the tools and support to provide our Pathway through Arthritis program in healthcare or workplace settings. The accompanying Portal makes measuring effectiveness effortless.

Portal Dashboard Illustration 

Digital treatment delivery
Engagement reporting
Health outcome reporting
Qualitative feedback
Ongoing support